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12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

USA Women's & Children's Hospital

Age Groups

warrior-kids-open-infoFriday, December 16th, Kane Motorsports is hosting a Toy Drop at Women’s & Children’s Hospital at 12 pm. We are blessed to be part of this fantastic way to help local families who won’t be able to spend Christmas at their own homes. Please bring new, unwrapped toys and other requested items to the event and join the fun!

If you aren’t able to make it to the actual event, MRCS will begin accepting donations at our office today. There will also be a “toy drop” box at our Gingerbread House Celebration on Thursday, December 1st.   Let’s do our best to make this difficult time a bit less painful for these children and their families!

The deadline to register to attend the event is Friday, December 2nd.  However, we will be accepting donations until December 15th.




RSVP are closed for this event.