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4:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Loftin Home

Age Groups

Final High School (and 8th Graders) Hangout!

Where: Loftin Home – 8900 Dawes Point Drive
When: Monday, May 23rd from 5-8:30pm
What: SGA Elections, dinner, and outside games (including slip & slides!)
Who: All MRCS high school students AND 8th graders are invited and encouraged to attend! Come and support our rising SGA leaders and enjoy one final hangout for the school year!

Sign-up HERE to bring something & RSVP!


SGA Election Details

High School students (including rising 9th graders) interested in running for an office in the MRCS Student Government Association, please email Chrystal Culpepper to be included in the ballot at the upcoming elections!

General Guidelines:

SGA members should plan to attend all high school meetings and events. If you anticipate missing more than 2 consecutive events/meetings, please re-evaluate applying for an SGA position. As always, appropriate behavior is expected at all times, whether at a volunteer project or a high school meeting.

SGA Representatives are the connection between our student leaders and their peers. They must be willing and able to contact MRCS high school students. Representatives should be open to receiving feedback and fielding questions from students and SGA parent sponsors. They should also be comfortable with relaying any ideas, questions, or concerns from MRCS high school students to the sponsors and leaders.

Please only run for an SGA office if you feel that you are able to perform these responsibilities on a consistent basis for the duration of the 2022-23 school year.

Elections will be held at this year’s final High School Hangout.

When: May 23rd, from 4 – 8:30pm
Where: Loftin Home – 8900 Dawes Point Drive

*Note: All potential candidates must prepare a brief speech about why they wish to run for a specific SGA office.

Interested students should read through the job descriptions below to see if any of the offices sound like something they’d like to try!

Available SGA Offices:

President: This position is filled by a high school Senior. The President presides over all meetings for the SGA, opens each of the high school meetings and creates an agenda for the meetings. The President is the only SGA member who cannot vote, except in the case of a tie.

Vice President: This position is filled by a high school Junior or Senior. The Vice President fulfills the duties of The President if the President is unable to attend an SGA or high school meeting. The VP also assists the President, as needed, and communicates with the grade representatives regarding activities.

Treasurer: This position is filled by a high school Freshman or Sophomore. The Treasurer collects the money for any paid high school events, and keeps track of attendance and resources.

Secretary: This position is filled by a high school Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. The Secretary maintains the meeting minutes and keeps them on file. The Secretary takes attendance at every meeting and serves as a communication link between the SGA, MRCS Administrator, and the MRCS social media account coordinator. The Secretary also maintains a database of MRCS HS student phone numbers, names, and email addresses which will be gathered at the first high school meeting.

Activities Chairman: This position is filled by a high school student in any grade (9-12). The Activities Chairman is responsible for keeping a calendar of all activities and maintaining contact with the SGA Parent Sponsor(s) and the Vice-President.

Grade Representatives: There are up to two (2) representatives for each grade in high school. Grade Representatives are the link between the SGA and other high school students. Each Representative is responsible for calling or sending emails/texts to the students in their assigned grade. These communications should contain information about upcoming high school events, volunteer opportunities, and high school meetings. Grade Representative positions are voted on by students in the correlating grade.

If you have any questions about SGA elections or the available positions, please contact Chrystal CulpepperĀ  or Spencer Dalgety.

Come and help us celebrate the end of an awesome school year at this final High School hangout – we can’t wait to see you there!