Calling all Home School Students in Grades 4th through 12th…

Bible Drill starts next Wednesday, September, 11, 2013, from 10:00 to 11:30 am at Cottage Hill Baptist Church.

This first meeting will be a time of introduction to what Bible Drill is for students and parents.  Even if you have been involved with Bible Drill before, please make sure to attend this meeting as our program is going to run a little differently this year.

If part of your goal in homeschooling your children is to have them “hide God’s Word in their hearts” and “to have an answer at all times for their faith” then Bible Drill is the perfect place for your family.  Our time together not only consists of Scripture memory and speed drills, we also work on contextual and application studies (plus a lot of fun and games.

For more information contact:  Alicia Borowski,  251-232-4786 or