Debate Club

Mandatory Kick Off:  Monday,  August 25th,  3 – 5pm Space is limited to 10 members.

  • Participation commitment for the FULL year is required.
  • Students will be writing 1,200 word speeches and will be required to present and defend those speeches. They will NOT be required to memorize any speeches.
  • Students meet twice monthly for 3 hours each meeting.
  • Students in grades 9-12 will learn the Lincoln-Douglas  debate format and argumentation skills. Most of the research and speech writing is done on the student’s own time.
  • Students debate in teams during first semester using the Lincoln-Douglas debate format, and as individuals for argumentation exercises during second semester.
  • Purchase of An Introduction to Policy Debate by Christy L. Shipe ( OR USED on  eBay/amazon).
  • Annual dues:  $25, checks made to Peaches Fink – write Debate Club on the “for” line.

Peaches Fink,