TeenPact Leadership School

Changing Lives to Change the World – Turning Students into Statesmen


Facebook Page: TeenPact Alabama

TeenPact trains young people to be leaders who will impact the nation and world for Jesus Christ. This is a comprehensive leadership experience that challenges students to grow bothpersonally and spiritually. Even students who have no prior interest in government gain aBiblical understanding of their responsibility as citizens: to vote and to pray effectively. We believe that students learn best by doing. Our Four Day Class (ages 13 – 18) and One Day Class (ages 8 – 12) are fast-paced and designed to give students the ultimate hands-on crash course in state government – IN A FUN ENVIRONMENT!

Having students learn to find their way around the capitol, know where to find bills and how to read them, study and enjoy parliamentary debate, run for a mock office during the week, and meet public officials all add up to be an incredible experience!

After each day’s capital experience, the students carpool back to Camp Chandler for:

free time (pool, ping pong, hanging out with new friends, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, piano, guitar, etc.), dinner, and the most INCREDIBLE WORSHIP TIME! We welcome parents to stay the week to chaperone. Chaperones are responsible for carpooling students back and forth from the capital to the camp, and being an over-night adult presence in the cabin rooms of Chandler Lodge. Parents are also welcome to attend all sessions and field experiences!

This is my fifth year to chaperone and it is honestly the best week of my life!    www.ymcamontgomery.org/camp/tour-camp


2016 Alabama State Class is held February 22nd thru 26th

Double-Early-Bird discounts for registration begin September 1st.

Questions or concerns? Contact Peaches Fink: 661-4034; peachmail@comcast.net